why EHS failed me, part two: of names and numbers

<king> welcome back, listeners. hope everything is going well in all y'all's lives. i'm currently eating lucky charms out of the box because i'm a mature adult with a credit card and bad impulse control. sorry mom  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ anyways. let's get started. i've been going back and forth with a bunch of people on the Eye… Continue reading why EHS failed me, part two: of names and numbers

of high hopes and letdowns, part one

<king> i'm the youngest in a family of greats. each person in my family, with some members in my extended family, have all accomplished something great. (for the sake of privacy, i'm not telling what they did.) but i digress. privacy disregarded, i'm the youngest in a family of greats. i am, some would say,… Continue reading of high hopes and letdowns, part one

on bullet journals and the price of aesthetic

<king> i've started a bullet journal. now, this isn't anything new - i've tried (and failed) to start bullet journals in the past, but i was always caught up in the ~aesthetic~ of it all. i'd spend time drawing banners and mood trackers and habit trackers, and then i'd never actually... use it. that kind… Continue reading on bullet journals and the price of aesthetic