why EHS failed me, part two: of names and numbers

<king> welcome back, listeners. hope everything is going well in all y'all's lives. i'm currently eating lucky charms out of the box because i'm a mature adult with a credit card and bad impulse control. sorry mom  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ anyways. let's get started. i've been going back and forth with a bunch of people on the Eye… Continue reading why EHS failed me, part two: of names and numbers

hi my name is anxiety

<king> lmao for some reason that's so funny to me. Hi! My name is... anxIETY. i WORRY. about EVERYTHING. and i'm AWESOME at it. on the blogosphere, i go by king, but darn if I don't feel like Miss Anxiety at least 99.7% of the time. and I don't like to capitalize the first letters… Continue reading hi my name is anxiety