my hands are shaking

last year, on the second Tuesday in November, I came back to my dorm room to my roommate telling me that Trump had, officially, won the presidency.

I remember what we said to each other – a big sigh, and “we’re fucked.”

Yes, profanity, blah, blah, blah, get over yourself. 

Wanna know why? Because I’m fucking FURIOUS. I am furious that somehow, we managed to elect a sexual predator to the presidency. I’m furious that, even though Spacey and Weinstein lost their jobs thanks to the sexual abuse allegations, Trump is still untouchable. I am furious that he appointed Ajit Pai, head of the FCC, and I am furious that Ajit Pai and his compatriots just voted to repeal net neutrality.

I don’t want to explain what that is right now. I’ll post a less-furious explanation later, but right now my hands are shaking and my heart is beating really fast, and tbh I wouldn’t be surprised if I have a panic attack sometime soon.

I am furious that somewhere along the line, America has become so complacent in our lives that we just stand by while the government guts everything that is important to us.

You know what life would look like if you had to pay for access to certain sections of the internet? What life would look like if you had to pay per google search? Countless small business who rely on sites like these, on WORDPRESS, would be gutted, because no more big, happy marketplaces for them! Nope, they’d be confined to the limits of their town, not the world. Make doctors appointments online? Not any more! You’d have to pay for that. Chat on facebook with some online friends you made? You’d have to pay for that, in addition to paying for accessing your doctor’s website. Buy cute hand-made gifts off etsy? Nope, you’d have to pay for that, too! If the small business owners on Etsy could even afford to get their wares online.

You’re a budding author and don’t want to go through an agent and a publisher, like Amanda Hawking? Nope! You’d have to pay for that, too!

CALL YOUR SENATORS, people! Email them! Flood every line of communication they’ve got! If I, a smol person with a massive anxiety disorder, can leave a message for my senators, you can too.

king out. gonna go have a panic attack now.

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